March 24, 2018 Saturday Ham Shoot with GTO Club

Join us at the 4th Time for competition with the GTO CLub

This will be our 4th shoot out with the GTO Club…May we repeat our win from December 2017! Join us on Saturday at the Estacada Gun Club at 9:30AM. Any and all welcome!
We will go to lunch afterwards to brag about who got the closest! And of course who won the “zero” shots. 23400 SE Eagle Creek Road in Estacada, OR. Cost is $5 per two targets, rim rifles or 22 pistols. They have ammo for cost (or you can bring your own) and pistols to loan if you don’t have any. Bring cash to pay. Sign up for the event on our Event Calendar!

Weekly Cars and Crust Cruise In April thru Sept 2018

Cruise on out to Abby’s Pizza located at 21255 SE Stark in Gresham
on Tuesdays from 5Pm to 8PM for a no host car show and
of course great pizza. All members and family welc0me! We are going to
do this thru the final Tuesday in September. It has been very
successful and hope any and all of you can make it!

March 18, 2018 11th Annual Bowling Match with GTO Club on Sunday

March 18, 2018 Sunday at 1PM is our Annual Bowling Tournament with the GTO Club
Cost is $10 per three games and $3 per shoes, please bring cash. We are bowling at Mt Hood
Lanes again this year so hope to see you all there! There is food and snacks there too! Location is

2311 E. Powell Blvd in Gresham!  Any members, family and friends can bowl! Check out our

event calendar to sign up for this event!


Feb 18, 2018 Salem Roadster Show-Sunday

Since it is February, let’s go to the Salem Roadster Show.

We will meet at the Chalet Inn at the Brooks Exit off I-5

at 9am for breakfast and then about 10AM at the latest

we will head down to the Salem Fairgrounds to see the show.

Admission is $12 for guys and Ladies is $5 for Sunday.

Any and all welcome to join us! Sign up on our Event Calendar!

Jan 2018 Kick Off Banquet

We will start off the New Year with our Annual Kick off & Awards Banquet.
This is for club members and their families only. We will meet at McCrae’s
at 3pm on Saturday Jan 13th to celebrate members acheivements and play our “Grandma’s
dice game” hoping to win some cool prizes. Bring any wrapped white elephant
gift or Ford gift or whatever to try to win them. Sign up at the Jan’18 meeting.

Dec 3 Club Christmas Party

Our annual Christmas party will be held at Ann & Ray’s home

at 4PM Sunday.  It is a potluck event sign up sheet at the meeting.

Members and family are invited.  Bring a wrapped gift for

our annual “steal me once twice I keep” exchange.  Limit is

$10 for each gift.  It is a fun way to start the holidays!

Hope to see you there!

Nov 11th Turkey Shoot out with GTO @ Estacada Gun Club

Our 2nd year of a Turkey shoot out with the GTO Club…May we repeat last years win!   Join us on Saturday at the Estacada Gun Club at 9:30AM.  Any and all welcome!

We will go to lunch afterwards to brag about who got the closest! And of course who won the “zero” shots. 23400 SE Eagle Creek Road in Estacada, OR.  Cost is $5 per two targets,

rim rifles or 22 pistols. They have ammo for cost (or you can bring yourown) and pistols to loan if you don’t have any.  Bring cash to pay!